Airport Corporate Centre
Disclaimer: content was redacted from the case study screenshots while the rezoning plans under go city review.
Contessa Developments had an objective to transform the existing landscape beneath Toronto’s Pearson Intl. Airport, known as the Airport Corporate Centre (ACC), to accommodate growth, intensification and sustainability. They required a strategic solution that would prove to executives that a thriving community can be achieved through a redevelopment of the area. After the initial solution in the 1980s was stopped and sold to developers due to economic circumstances, Contessa Developments approached Infindiv to help convey the project to city council.
Infinidiv devised a strategy that connected public places, buildings, shops, restaurants, cultural institutions, and green industries into one confined community. Infinidiv created a detailed slide deck by analyzing the current state of the land, planning future state solutions for the land, and designing action items that can provide a better view of how the vision can be transitioned into a reality.
Key Achievements

The client team was overwhelmingly pleased with the beautiful designs

Senior Executives began discussions with the city council using the strategy deck

Condensed hundreds of hours of information into a reduced digital slide deck

The Airport Corporate Centre (ACC) being positioned in an extremely profitable location with its current underutilized state had encouraged senior executives to redevelop the associated land. Devising a strategy that could later be implemented was very challenging for Contessa Developments due to their limited experience in strategy creation and not knowing how to ideate when creating a solution that’s effective.

To devise a strategy, Infinidiv followed a three step approach that provided a clear perspective of how the land could be redeveloped.
Firstly, Infinidiv clarified the vision of the project by setting the following well defined goals and objectives. The following principles were created that would guide the redevelopment opportunity:
- Link the Airport and the Community
- Open the Site with Accessible Public Spaces
- Create a Sustainable Mixed-use Community
- Animate A New Vibrant Community
- Holistic Connection: Transit, Walking, Cycling, and the Car
- Balance Public and Private Investment to be Viable
Subsequently, Infinidiv gathered and analyzed information to understand the needs for the ACC redevelopment and the strategic direction to head towards. From this Infinidiv performed a SWOT Analysis, examined all internal and external issues and executed a design thinking workshop to devise achievable and user-oriented solutions to the challenges.
Once the foundational aspects were covered, the goals were then outlined in themes in order to research the vision. The themes helped spur an easier discussion about what the community and external stakeholders desire in the development of Mississauga City East. Through thoroughly analyzing the current state and planning out the strategy, a solution to improving employment opportunities, revitalization of office space uses and generating new employment opportunities was formed.
To devise a strategy, Infinidiv followed a three step approach that provided a clear perspective of how the land could be redeveloped.
Firstly, Infinidiv clarified the vision of the project by setting the following well defined goals and objectives. The following principles were created that would guide the redevelopment opportunity:
- Link the Airport and the Community
- Open the Site with Accessible Public Spaces
- Create a Sustainable Mixed-use Community
- Animate A New Vibrant Community
- Holistic Connection: Transit, Walking, Cycling, and the Car
- Balance Public and Private Investment to be Viable
Subsequently, Infinidiv gathered and analyzed information to understand the needs for the ACC redevelopment and the strategic direction to head towards. From this Infinidiv performed a SWOT Analysis, examined all internal and external issues and executed a design thinking workshop to devise achievable and user-oriented solutions to the challenges.
Once the foundational aspects were covered, the goals were then outlined in themes in order to research the vision. The themes helped spur an easier discussion about what the community and external stakeholders desire in the development of Mississauga City East. Through thoroughly analyzing the current state and planning out the strategy, a solution to improving employment opportunities, revitalization of office space uses and generating new employment opportunities was formed.
To devise a strategy, Infinidiv followed a three step approach that provided a clear perspective of how the land could be redeveloped.
Firstly, Infinidiv clarified the vision of the project by setting the following well defined goals and objectives. The following principles were created that would guide the redevelopment opportunity:
- Link the Airport and the Community
- Open the Site with Accessible Public Spaces
- Create a Sustainable Mixed-use Community
- Animate A New Vibrant Community
- Holistic Connection: Transit, Walking, Cycling, and the Car
- Balance Public and Private Investment to be Viable
Subsequently, Infinidiv gathered and analyzed information to understand the needs for the ACC redevelopment and the strategic direction to head towards. From this Infinidiv performed a SWOT Analysis, examined all internal and external issues and executed a design thinking workshop to devise achievable and user-oriented solutions to the challenges.
Once the foundational aspects were covered, the goals were then outlined in themes in order to research the vision. The themes helped spur an easier discussion about what the community and external stakeholders desire in the development of Mississauga City East. Through thoroughly analyzing the current state and planning out the strategy, a solution to improving employment opportunities, revitalization of office space uses and generating new employment opportunities was formed.

With the successful creation of the Airport Corporate Centre land redevelopment strategy, all strategic goals were able to be fulfilled, stakeholders were wowed, and senior executives were able to clearly understand Contessa’s detailed plan to redevelop the area. The redevelopment strategy is also pre-emptively designed to serve as a document to be shared with Municipal city staff and members of the community.
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